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  • Need a new Pad

    jimmyjam - - Gear


    I have that Nemo. I'm mostly a side sleeper too. What I've started doing is I inflate it pretty firm and then lie on my side and let some air out until my hip sinks. I also use a cut down zrest under it and this really helps the comfort level of my side sleep and makes it very comfortable in colder weather as that reflective foil stuff in the middle of the Nemo doesn't do a whole lot for me

  • Hiking Plans 2022

    jimmyjam - - Trip Planning


    There is a hiker's parking lot at the Grand View trailhead. You could call a taxi or hitch. I've never hitched there. Going off the east side of the mesa you would tank up at Miner's Spring. As you go west on the Tonto you will cross Cottonwood Creek just past the left (west) arm of the mesa. 2.8 miles after that is a spring. Then there area pair of springs in about another mile. Then you cross Grapevine Creek about a mile after that. Then it's 5.7 miles to the spring at Boulder Creek. Then 3.1 …

  • Quote from IMScotty: “I like resurrecting old threads I need a tent! Last weekend when I went to pack for a car-camping trip with my wife..... my tent was gone. It was an REI model, about 10-years old, pristine condition because the only time I use a tent is when my wife comes. The REI tent served us well. I have vague memories of lending the tent to a niece, or maybe the kids have it, does not matter, time for a new one. I ended up taking a 30? year old Colemen Circus tent that had been packed …

  • Gear Repair

    jimmyjam - - Gear


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “I think one side of my fly is silicone coated and one side is PU coated. I haven’t figured out which side is which but I set it up in the back yard and seam sealed it right side up. It seems to have worked this time. Hopefully I’ll have time to test it soon. ” Look on RipStopBytheRoll web site. It will tell which sealant to use on which side. Also you might try emailing Kyle the owner about identifying which side is which and how to seal it. I've found him pretty respons…

  • Hiking Plans 2022

    jimmyjam - - Trip Planning


    Quote from odd man out: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Grand Canyon. I've been five times now and I'm still blown away by it. ” I've been wondering about itineraries.Three or four nights? Corridor or Hermit loop? Transportation and lodging logistics? ” Permitting will be your biggest obstacle. Get your lodging first. You can try to get your permit, but don't get discouraged if they turn you down. They hold a few permits for each site in reserve at the Backcountry Office. You just need to get there early…

  • Packing Time Line

    jimmyjam - - Gear


    I get everything together a day or two before and lay it all out either in the spare bedroom or on a tarp in the garage. Then stuff it all in pack the day/night before. I have a list that I use and change up the clothes based on season and weather forecast. Everything that always goes (except pack, quilt, poles) stays in a big tub. Another tub holds my insulating layers and jackets that I pick from for each trip.

  • Hiking Plans 2022

    jimmyjam - - Trip Planning


    Grand Canyon. I've been five times now and I'm still blown away by it.

  • Whiskey Thread

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “I love the taste of peanut butter and always put PB2 in my protein shakes…bet I’d love the peanut butter bourbon (when my taste comes back). I think there’s a saying, “Stupid is thinking you’ll have a different result the second time” (or something like that). A few weeks ago, I tried Scotch again and it still tasted like glue. Blech. ” I've also tried to like Scotch. Both times it tasted like gasoline.Yuk

  • Corona Virus and the Trail

    jimmyjam - - Trail Health


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “No booster for me. Instead, I got the real thing. Either way, I’m covered for a while. It’s not been bad, just some congestion, headache, scratchy throat. Not being able to smell or taste is the worst…super freaky and I can’t wait until that’s better. I walked a a few miles the past two days and felt slow and draggy and was a little out of breath today while doing some cardio (hula hooping). I’m planning a BP trip in 2 weeks and wonder if I should expect some lingering b…

  • Whiskey Thread

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from odd man out: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Anybody tried Screwball? It's a 70 proof peanut whiskey. I like it. The clerk at the store says to mix it with chocolate vodka for a Reese's taste or strawberry vodka for a PB and J. ” I am trying to think of a beverage description I would find less appealing.... ...Nothing is coming to mind. ” I was leary of it and first bought just a mini "airplane" bottle. This afternoon I poured about a half shot in my Dunkin iced coffee with cream and sugar and…

  • Whiskey Thread

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Anybody tried Screwball? It's a 70 proof peanut whiskey. I like it. The clerk at the store says to mix it with chocolate vodka for a Reese's taste or strawberry vodka for a PB and J.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…61863a234e77a1a5cfa2db28e

  • Darn Tough

    jimmyjam - - Gear


    Quote from odd man out: “Quote from jimmyjam: “Mine seem to shrink instead of stretch and I'm hand washing and air drying. They get just too darn tight across the top of the foot. I've even tried stretching them by stuffing them for days. Maybe I to stuff them when they are wet???? ” how often do you wash them? I wear a pair for at least a week, maybe two before washing them. Their anti stink property is remarkable. ” When I'm hiking I wear them only a day or two before "field washing". Not beca…

  • Darn Tough

    jimmyjam - - Gear


    Mine seem to shrink instead of stretch and I'm hand washing and air drying. They get just too darn tight across the top of the foot. I've even tried stretching them by stuffing them for days. Maybe I to stuff them when they are wet????

  • Astro on the AT 2021

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Outstanding!!!! A great big Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Hiking plans 2021

    jimmyjam - - Trip Planning


    And I thought I had a lot of gear.

  • Quote from Muddywaters: “The problem is you can drive right to it, and just walk 200 yd up the side of a hill. That, and Facebook. ” exactly. Put that parking lot about a mile away. That'll cut down on the riffraff and their trash

  • Astro on the AT 2021

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Wow! I'm shocked that the huts were not fully booked.

  • Idiots have got to ruin for everyone else. I knew it would happen. We camped on top in the fall of 2016. About four small groups of people at sunset. By 10pm bonfires in several places and lots of noise. Woke up in the morning surrounded by local/college students I guess. It seemed over a hundred of them. They left litter everywhere. It was a beautiful sunrise but it was a disgusting mess.

  • welcome to the cafe

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Horrible crash. She's been caught.

  • Astro on the AT 2021

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from Astro: “At Carter Hut for the night. No Work For Stay this year due to COVID. ” Interestingly they gave me my own section in the bunkhouse with 5 other empty bunks. ” Do you mean they didn't charge anything for it?? Also were they serving meals???