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  • Well darn. We were in The Whites at same time, just at opposite ends.

  • jimmyjam's run thru The Whites

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    I have more pictures, but I keep getting an error message when I try to upload them. I'll try later.

  • jimmyjam's run thru The Whites

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Day 9: LOC over Mt Washington, to Madison Hut over Mt Madison to Osgood Campsite. Note how the weather changed 3 times during the brief period we were on the summit of Mt. Washington. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba234…

  • Hoverglide Pack

    jimmyjam - - Gear


    So instead of a 25 pound pack attached to my back with the weight transferred to my hips, the pack is going to jump up and down on my back like a monkey? No thanks.

  • jimmyjam's run thru The Whites

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Day 8: Crawford Trail to Mizpah Hut to Lakes of the Clouds Hut. With my cyst still and ankle still bothering me some I decided to not be a purist and take the Webster Cliff Trail, but instead the Crawford Path which starts right at the Highland Center. Again got coffee and brownies at the Mizpah Hut, cameled up as no water until LOC. A long and fairly easy and sometimes crowded trail to LOC. Took a nap on a flatrock on the way and lollygagged along and still got there about 2:30pm. Decided to sp…

  • jimmyjam's run thru The Whites

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Day 7: Ethan Pond to Crawford Notch; The AMC Highland Center. Hitched into the Highland Center for a resupply. My Baker's Cyst had filled with fluid and my knee was a little sore and I had rolled my ankle on my other foot a little and "Recall" had hurt his knee so we decided to splurge for bunks in a bunk room in the mainlodge. turns out no one else showed up so we had a 6 person bunkroom to ourselves- SWEET!!!. Sampled 16 oz microbrews all afternoon and then had a huge dinner followed by wine o…

  • jimmyjam's run thru The Whites

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Day 6: Garfield Ridge Shelter to Ethan Pond Shelter & campsite. Popped in Galehead hut for coffee and leftover sausage, eggs, and blondies. Over Mt. Guyout and on to Zealant Falls hut where we had more leftovers for lunch. Then down the mountain and into cruise control over 5 miles of flatish ground and bog boards. Tarped at Ethan Pond and slept well a 14.5 day. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.ne…

  • jimmyjam's run thru The Whites

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Day 5: Back to hiking after waiting out a day of rain: Franconia Notch (Flume Visitor Center) to Garfield Ridge Shelter & Campsite: A long slog up the mountain to obtain the ridge trail. Stopped at Liberty springs campsite for a break and to camel up on water. I'm drinking a liter whenever I grab water so that I don't have carry more than my (2) 20 oz. Garfield was crawling with people doing the PEMI Loop. There wher 64 people there at a camp made for about 24-30. Crazy. I had to stay in the dum…

  • jimmyjam's run thru The Whites

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Day 3 Kinsman Pond to Franconia Notch: A short day and I went into Lincoln for resupply and stayed at the Notch Hostel, a very clean and nice Hostel. The walk took me to my first Hut, Lonesome Lake where I had coffee and a brownie. Day 4 was zero day spent at the Inn 32 in N. Woodstock. Somewhere I have a few pictures and will post when I find them.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347…

  • jimmyjam's run thru The Whites

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Day 2: Kinsman Notch to Kinsman Pond Shelter & Campsite: The climb up Kinsman was very hard. Lots of opportunities for mishap, so I did not take any pictures of the hard part, also it rained all the way up kinsman, adding to my fun. I was whooped by the time I got to Kinsman Pond and set up my tarp on a tent platform. My dumb smart phone also deleted about half my pictures that day. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345ap…

  • jimmyjam's run thru The Whites

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Quote from LIhikers: “Isn't Moose a lucky the one with a pretty long section of rebar steps going down toward Kinsman Notch? ” Yes, going down the north side there are a series of wooden blocks spiked to the rock with rebar. Going up Kinsman is much harder, so much so that I never pulled my phone out to take a picture as I was using both hands (poles put away) most of the time.

  • jimmyjam's run thru The Whites

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Whites Day 1: Slackpack over Mt. Moosilauke SOBO. at the recommendation of Bisquick, the caretaker at Hiker's welcome I slackpacked from Kinsman Notch back to the hostel. There was a lot of hype about how hard it was, I just didn't see it. Yes it was steep the first 1.5 miles to beaver Brook Shelter but after that pretty normal trail up, over and down. I carried my pack minus quilt, rainpants, extra food, stove, fuel etc. A climb from 1870 to 4802 and back down to 1056. appalachiantrailcafe.net/…

  • New Hamshire Section Hike

    jimmyjam - - Trip Planning


    I forgot to wash my pillow before I left. Gross!!! Don't wait 1800+ miles before washing your pillow. That water is brown! Yuk.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345

  • New Hamshire Section Hike

    jimmyjam - - Trip Planning


    Astro it's kinda wicked out there right now. It's about 10x10 dark damp no light, 2 sets of bunks 3 high. The door is 3/8" plate steel lol.

  • New Hamshire Section Hike

    jimmyjam - - Trip Planning


    Made it to Lake of the Clouds and splurged for a bunk.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345

  • And In Other News

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Plastic is a serious problem people. Please get and use reusable bags. Our ancestors made it just fine without plastic.

  • Astro on the AT 2018

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from jimmyjam: “The first part of the trail Nobo from Garfield camp site toward Galehead hut is a wickedly steep downhill. It was easily 60 degrees or better and had a cascading Brook of water running down it. We had to take a short bushwhack around one pouroff. 64 hikers there two nights ago. Most groups doing the Pemi loop. Seeing about 4 or so thrus a day. We did 14.5 yesterday to get to Ethan pond. ” 14.5m in the Whites is a significant "walk"! ” the trail from Galeh…

  • Astro on the AT 2018

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    The national geographic new Hampshire maps Hanover to mount Carlo have been very helpful. Especially with predicting the difficulty of the terrain.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345

  • Astro on the AT 2018

    jimmyjam - - Trip Report


    The first part of the trail Nobo from Garfield camp site toward Galehead hut is a wickedly steep downhill. It was easily 60 degrees or better and had a cascading Brook of water running down it. We had to take a short bushwhack around one pouroff. 64 hikers there two nights ago. Most groups doing the Pemi loop. Seeing about 4 or so thrus a day. We did 14.5 yesterday to get to Ethan pond.

  • New Hamshire Section Hike

    jimmyjam - - Trip Planning


    Chilling at the Highland Center. I'll post more when I get better service in a few days.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…ba2347b78b9fcc835dc018345