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  • And In Other News

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from odd man out: “And in other news.... Remind me not to do this to my tent while camping. The news story says no one was injured, although it did not report on the fate of the spider. wwlp.com/news/world/man-using-…rts-house-fire/1546602783 ” I'll bet it was preceded by "Hey y'all watch this"

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    jimmyjam - - General


    The neighborhood hawk was on her favorite perch again this morning. I could hear at least two babies in nest down in the tree below her. It's really hard to tell by the picture but she is huge, definitely the largest hawk I have seen and she is so beautiful. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…76a6140e030417ad876d787b4appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…76a6140e030417ad876d787b4

  • whats the weather where you are?

    jimmyjam - - General


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “One of my buddies posted this: appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…76a6140e030417ad876d787b4 ” that has to be tough in CT. ” How about a Trumpkin? Hahahaappalachiantrailcafe.net/index…76a6140e030417ad876d787b4

  • I can't stand plastic water bottles. It blows my mind that people are paying for what is pretty much tap water in a plastic bottle. I use an insulated stainless steel bottle that I fill with tap water and from drinking fountains. It goes everywhere with me, except on the trail. Saves me hundreds of dollars a year and helps the environment.

  • the football thread

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    I can hardly believe it. Skins beat the Cowboys!!!!!! Bbbbblllllrrrrttttt!!!!

  • whats the weather where you are?

    jimmyjam - - General


    It's chili and cornbread weather here! appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…76a6140e030417ad876d787b4appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…76a6140e030417ad876d787b4

  • Took a walk today

    jimmyjam - - General


    Quote from Trillium: “I injured my foot pretty badly on 9/15; was on crutches for 2 weeks then slowly recuperating. Today I went for a hike with my meetup group, MAC. They were hiking 10-12 miles on the Waterloo-Pinckney and Equestrienne trails. I hiked with them for 1.65 miles then turned around and hiked 1.65 miles back to the parking lot for a 3.3 mile total. That was long enough for today. It felt so wonderful to be back out in the woods on a trail hiking again!! ” Baby steps. You'll get the…

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from chief: “both my exes were nut jobs. ” ditto

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “I also have Native American in my family tree (and greater % than Elizabeth Warren). But I never tried to use it to my advantage in any way. No regrets, just didn't seem like the right thing to do. ” Theirs is 1/16 if I'm doing the math right. But I was told that there would be no math here.:-)

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Did you know that my wife is of Cherokee lineage and my daughter from my first marriage is of Crow?

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from jimmyjam: “I'm thinking about making a real Indian stone tomahawk. Because I like to make things and I've never made one. ” elizabeth warren can help you out with that. ” who dat?

  • Quote from Traffic Jam: “(Gonna hijack this thread because I’m feeling lazy and don’t want fo search for the correct one) Need a little help identifying the model name of this MSR filter. It was purchased around 2010. Is it called the MiniWorks? ” I believe that is correct

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    I'm thinking about making a real Indian stone tomahawk. Because I like to make things and I've never made one.

  • What Are You Reading?

    jimmyjam - - Books


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “Quote from jimmyjam: “The Highway Man, A Longmire Story by Craig Johnson. It's about my sixth book by him that I've read, and he's got about that many more that I'll chew thru after this one. Current time mysteries that take place in and around Indian reservations in Wyoming. Really good stuff. ” JJ, I think you will like Peter Bowen and you should be able to find his books at the library. It’s modern western mystery. The author sounds like a character...he’s been a fish…

  • And In Other News

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from odd man out: “Quote from rhjanes: “Quote from odd man out: “Singapore Airlines has reclaimed the record for the longest passenger flight in the world - 18.5 hrs from Singapore to Newark. I'm not sure which is more unbelievable: The technology to build plane that weights almost 700,000 lbs fully loaded with 42,000 gal fuel and over 300 people (and who knows how many tons of luggage) and fly it non-stop over 9700 miles in under 19 hrs; OR the fact we can do all that but we can't seem to…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    jimmyjam - - General


    I think Fall fell. Switched to hot senior coffee at Dunkin

  • whats the weather where you are?

    jimmyjam - - General


    Quote from odd man out: “Quote from Astro: “Quote from LIhikers: “It rained this morning and it's getting ready to rain again. I had just enough time in between to fix Kathy's '78 VW Bus so that it will pass NY State inspection, which is due by the end of the month. ” Than van just might be older than some of our members. ” I learned to drive in a 68 VW 3 years before that 78 VW was mde. ” my first camping trip in the SNP was by VW bus of about 68 or 70 vintage. We camped in Big Meadows. Good ti…

  • welcome to the cafe

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from max.patch: “this may very well be the dumbest hiking video i've seen. i'm glad i've never run across anyone like this guy. it was posted by "girls who hike" on FB but i don't know why they did so. you'll waste a minute of your life if you watch it. instagram.com/p/BofiJNYBV9J/?taken-by=pattiegonia or maybe this is the new normal and i'm just an old guy. ” Either that "girl" has some facial hair issues, or that "guy" has even more serious issues. ” I tell you what, I…

  • whats the weather where you are?

    jimmyjam - - General


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “Finally! It cooled off today. It’s awesome. Don’t have to turn the thermostat down to sleep tonight, can open the windows. ” I Know! Now I need to plan a night or two in the SNP

  • Beer

    jimmyjam - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Traffic Jam: “Recently, I tried New Belgium Hemperor. It’s brewed with hemp seeds and is supposed to taste like “cannabis terpenes”. I don’t know what terpenes are but it was very tasty. It sounds gimmicky, and maybe it is, but I will definitely drink it again. Anyone else tried it? ” No, but I'd like to.