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  • welcome to the cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from odd man out: “Just got back from our first car camping trip at Interlochen State Park. One nice thing is that Interlochen (unlike most MI State parks) has a loop for rustic camping (wooded sites, pit toilets, pump water), separate from the usual RV parking lot with trailers stacked like cordwood. Also it is adjacent to Interlochen National Fine Arts Camp, which has a boarding school and summer camp for some of the country's most talented music students. In fact our trailer was just a …

  • Astro on the AT 2019

    Trillium - - Trip Report


    Quote from Astro: “When I left VT Friday morning I drove all day to get to my wife's family reunion in the southern hills of Ohio. So what did I do on Saturday morning but go on 2.5 mile hike on the Rim Trail with my oldest son and some of the relatives at Hocking Hills State Park. Please note the pictures on the internet are a whole lot better than anything I was able to get. ” First, THANK YOU to Astro for letting us all cyberhike again with you this summer! I love reading the stories and seei…

  • Deceased AT Hiker in Maine

    Trillium - - AT Specific


    Quote from Astro: “Perhaps I should quit worrying about norovirus and make time to sign all the log books from now on. Of course this trip I was more like a leapfrogging zigzag than sequential line anyway . ” I have a small pen that I keep in the small pouch on the pack belt to use for this task.

  • Astro on the AT 2019

    Trillium - - Trip Report


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from IMScotty: “Quote from Astro: “Reward this morning for knocking out the 17 miles yesterday. I love the Inn at Long Trail. ” What? Too early for beer? You'd better stay for dinner too. I believe they have Irish music on the weekends.BTW, 17 miles on the Long Trail is super impressive. Looks like you have worked out all your aches and pains. ” Daypack + "mostly" downhill + last day out = Opportunity. It was sorta like when AJ Hinch tells Verlander or Garrit Cole this i…

  • Quote from max.patch: “idiots is too nice a term to use. who the hell leaves an 80 year old behind? this never should have happened. <snip> from above post for emphsis. James Clark, 80, of Dublin Ohio was hiking with two other family members while attempting to summit Mount Washington from Pinkham Notch Visitors Center. Shortly after starting the hike, all members of Clark’s hiking group left him behind to hike by himself as they continued to the summit. Clark’s hiking group ultimately summited …

  • REI

    Trillium - - Gear


    A friend is taking her 2 oldest grandsons (9 & 10) and their 2 friends backpacking this weekend. It's a program through the state Natural Resources Dept. So, it's a 5 mile hike today, camp tonight and hike back out tomorrow. Well, she had little to no equipment and no knowledge about hiking, much less backpacking. So, she contacted the person that she knew who had the most experience (yours truly). In talking with her earlier in the week, it was determined that all she would need to borrow was o…

  • Changed my mind about riding the Creeper Trail this trip to VA. Will be hiking mid central VA.

  • Tragedy on the AT

    Trillium - - AT Specific


    Thank you MP and LW for the updates. I'm in stunned shock. Have some thoughts but don't want to speculate. Also concerned about what friends/family will now say about my plan to backpack starting next weekend but further north, probably starting at the TH to McAfee's Knob.

  • REI

    Trillium - - Gear


    Quote from Drybones: “I wish REI hadn't started pushing politics, I used ti enjoy shopping with them. ” I haven't noticed that they've been doing this. I received an email yesterday that the REI Outlet was having an on-line sale. Bought a lot of Smartwool: socks for both myself and my daughter and a pair of glove liners.

  • Is anyone going to 2019 Trail Days?

    Trillium - - AT Specific


    I'm going to be doing a section in VA. Leaving next Thursday and was going to go to Damascus so my husband and I could ride the Creeper Trail on Friday then jump up north a bit for a section in the Roanoke area. But over on Troll's site I noticed that Trail Days is next week (I had thought it was this week; doh) I found the Trail Days website and there appears to be some good presentations, Jennifer Pharr Davis among them. So, I'm not sure what to do. I would like to go but not sure if the husba…

  • Duluth Trading Company?

    Trillium - - Gear


    The only thing I know about Duluth Trading Company is what I've seen on BTN. Their commercials are on frequently during football and basketball season. Seems it just sells clothing for men who are no longer athletes (that's the most diplomatic description I can come up with ). Love the commercials with the cute beavers. I thought they just basically sold on-line but your thread had me google and lo and behold there's a store on I96 on the way to 2 of my normal hiking locations. So, I may stop an…

  • Tequila!

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…c35df893595d36abefc81f805Then we went to my other favorite restaurant, M Cantina, for dessert. Here's Heidi, the owner's wife, making my Cinco Leches Cake:appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…c35df893595d36abefc81f805 Mmmmmmm. Cinco Leches Cake (note: forgot to take a closeup pic when she first served it so this is about 1/2 LOL) appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…c35df893595d36abefc81f805

  • Tequila!

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    I was going to have a marguerita but since I was driving and am pretty much a lightweight, decided to pass. We went to my favorite restaurant, El Barzon, for dinner. Very festive atmosphere. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…c35df893595d36abefc81f805 I had steak enchiladas with mole poblano sauce and my husband has cabrito (goat). Both dinners were accompanied by rice and black beans. So delicious! appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…c35df893595d36abefc81f805 And there was a band that played; diners enj…

  • 2nd Chance Hiker

    Trillium - - Pacific Crest Trail


    He did an episode on missing hiker David O'Sullivan, a 25 year old from Ireland who went missing on 4/7/17 after checking out of his lodging in Idylwild. Quite moving. Is making me consider strongly getting an In Reach. Second Chance Special Episode on David O'Sullivan I sincerely hope that he can be found. I can't imagine the grief of his parents.

  • 2nd Chance Hiker

    Trillium - - Pacific Crest Trail


    Quote from max.patch: “i can't believe that someone over on the sewer site criticized him for eating a hamburger. after hiking 150 miles. ” Episode 26: Accidents, long johns, hamburgers, 150 miles, and San Jacinto "I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." Wimpy

  • Basketball Thread

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from max.patch: “sports illustrated says michigan state is #1 in the upcoming 2019-2020 season. ” That should make a few people around here happy. ” The main poll that really matters is the one that comes out day after the National Championship game. The last time we were ranked number 1 after that was April 4, 2000. I was there for that game and it was magnificent! Not sure how many times since then that we've been ranked preseason #1 but I definitely know we were in 20…

  • Tragedy on the AT

    Trillium - - AT Specific


    Quote from max.patch: “Quote from Trillium: “Speaking of criminals on the AT, I'm wondering whatever happened to that accountant who embezzled millions from either Pepsi or Coke down in either Cincy or Lexington. Surely he was convicted and sentenced; but what was the sentence? ” 75 charges; copped a plea to one of them and the other 74 charges dropped, sentenced to 8 years. as far as i know he has not been charged with the murder of his wife. ” I knew you'd have my back. We accountants have to …

  • Wildlife Sightings Today

    Trillium - - General


    I truly enjoy all the wildlife pics that you folks post. Being a city girl I rarely see any wildlife. Went for a walk in the woods the other day and all I saw was some fungi: appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…c35df893595d36abefc81f805

  • Tragedy on the AT

    Trillium - - AT Specific


    Speaking of criminals on the AT, I'm wondering whatever happened to that accountant who embezzled millions from either Pepsi or Coke down in either Cincy or Lexington. Surely he was convicted and sentenced; but what was the sentence?

  • Tragic story: College student dies on class trip to Hawksbill Crag Astro, have you ever hiked to Hawksbill Crag? The picture on the article put me in mind of MacAfee Knob.