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  • And In Other News

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Rasty: “Quote from IMScotty: “RE: The 'Letter to the Editor' regarding NH trail conditions that I posted above.... Someone made a video reply. Check it out.... facebook.com/william.fogg.5/videos/10208161920680595/ ” Those marbles are a serious hazard. ” Someone might trip. ” Seriously

  • And In Other News

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from IMScotty: “RE: The 'Letter to the Editor' regarding NH trail conditions that I posted above.... Someone made a video reply. Check it out.... facebook.com/william.fogg.5/videos/10208161920680595/ ” Those marbles are a serious hazard.

  • Quote from twistwrist: “Hey y'all! My plans are coming together for a hike in July of 2018! As much as I'm hoping hoping hoping to land a JMT permit, I'm trying also to consider the fact that I may not get lucky. Regardless, I want to hike a beautiful trail out west somewhere...one approximately 200 miles long, give or take 50 miles. What other trails would you recommend of the JMT doesn't work out for me? ” Part of the Idaho centennial trail

  • And In Other News

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Rasty: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from IMScotty: “Check out this letter to the Editor in the Manchester NH Union leader. No, it's not The Onion. unionleader.com/article/201706…04/170609327/-1/opinion04 ” If nothing else, It is thought provoking. "Trail maintenance"...why has that become the norm, the expectation? Should we be changing our forests for our benefit? ” Almost all of the Eastern forest has already been changed for our benefit. ” exactly. I don't…

  • Knead Bread

    Rasty - - Trail Chefs


    Quote from TrafficJam: “My kids shocked me on Mother's Day. They banded together and bought me a stand mixer. My first creation was chocolate croissants. It was a complicated, two-day process but the results were spectacular. It required folding and rolling the dough, with a layer of chilled butter in the center. This was repeated multiple times to create the flaky layers. It gave me some ideas about biscuit-making. ” Looks very nice. One of the harder items to make from scratch. It's almost imp…

  • We marinate 90% of our chicken breast in some type of acidic marinade with fat. We marinate our hanger steak in Coca-Cola, olive oil and soy. Holy shiiiit batman it's good.

  • And In Other News

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from IMScotty: “Check out this letter to the Editor in the Manchester NH Union leader. No, it's not The Onion. unionleader.com/article/201706…04/170609327/-1/opinion04 ” If nothing else, It is thought provoking. "Trail maintenance"...why has that become the norm, the expectation? Should we be changing our forests for our benefit? ” Almost all of the Eastern forest has already been changed for our benefit.

  • And In Other News

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from IMScotty: “Check out this letter to the Editor in the Manchester NH Union leader. No, it's not The Onion. unionleader.com/article/201706…04/170609327/-1/opinion04 ” She is right. Compared to the Robert Trent Jones Trail in Alabama the trails need some minor work. rtjgolf.com/trail/

  • whats the weather where you are?

    Rasty - - General


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from Dan76: “As I recall, there is a maintenance access stairwell. ” Is there public access to it? ” all you need is a big drill to get access

  • The END of EMS

    Rasty - - Gear


    Quote from Astro: “I was excited for the first time I went to an REI store. It was OK, but did not quite meet my expectations. But that may have been my fault for expecting too much. ” When your knowledgeable about a subject the average store is mildly disappointing.

  • The END of EMS

    Rasty - - Gear


    Quote from PaulMags: “Quote from Blue Jay La Fey: “Amazon and it's minions are trying to kill all retail. There is a strong chance that they will be successful, but we're not robots yet. ” REI and Dick's are both successful. B&M stores still have their place. They just have to reinvent themselves. REI sold the lifestyle rather well: - Coffee shops in some stores - Community rooms for local groups - Many talks - Classes (I am taking my NOLS WFA class there in two weeks for example) - Repair shops…

  • 23 hours

    Rasty - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Foresight: “You are correct. And, like most, you would say "WTF does it matter???", but the lack of relief actually makes the topo work that much more necessary. Drainage is the reason. In most areas a 1% slope is a piece of cake to accomplish and even greater slopes are the norm. In the flat areas ALL of the drainage, sewer, storm, etc., are designed with slopes well under 1% therefore making the topo work critical ” Sh...it does roll up hill

  • 23 hours

    Rasty - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Foresight: “There's an Arby's on 17 headed out of Wilmington (south side, I believe). I laid in the field where it now sits hungover as hell and unable to convince myself to function while my buddy did all the work (design topo). ” That tract maybe has a 1 foot elevation change every 1000 feet

  • 23 hours

    Rasty - - Trip Planning


    My daughter and I decided last night at 7:30 pm to get in the car and go hiking. At 8:30 pm we left Wilmington, NC and drive to Elk Park, VA which is about 6 hours 30 minutes. I got pulled over at 1:30 in the morning for doing 78 in a 65 and got off with a warning. We slept a few hours in the car and drove to the Grayson Highlands state park and did a 11 mile loop hike. Got back in the car an went home and got back at 7:30 pm. What were we thinking? This was her first experience at Grayson. We w…

  • A place for jokes

    Rasty - - Hiking Humor


    Quote from Grinder: “That's why you hire young hotties for the beer cart and put them in short shorts. ” That doesn't work at residential style courses. The wives complain.

  • Quote from Grinder: “Quote from Rasty: “You might think about cutting down on the coffee ” BLASPHEMER!!!!!! ” I've cut down to less than ten cups per day

  • A place for jokes

    Rasty - - Hiking Humor


    Quote from Dan76: “Quote from Rasty: “Quote from ScareBear: “Quote from Wise Old Owl: “I guess we can all relate to some folks weekends..... 048.jpg ” Wasn't Tiger stoned on Vicodin or Oxy when his wife teed off on him and the Escalade with a sand wedge? Dude has serious opiate issues... ” The whole golf scene is unhealthy. The amount of drinking is huge. You can watch a country club members alcohol consumption increase steadily the longer they are in the club. ” I can vouch for this. I worked a…

  • Quote from Foresight: “Speaking of FKT's; I've never understood what takes some people so long to take a dump. My own spawn is a forever dumper, it boggles my mind. Just this morning I set a personal best timed dump at 36.07 seconds. This is from trouser drop to trouser raise, for those wanting a shot at the title. ” You might think about cutting down on the coffee

  • A place for jokes

    Rasty - - Hiking Humor


    Quote from ScareBear: “Quote from Wise Old Owl: “I guess we can all relate to some folks weekends..... 048.jpg ” Wasn't Tiger stoned on Vicodin or Oxy when his wife teed off on him and the Escalade with a sand wedge? Dude has serious opiate issues... ” The whole golf scene is unhealthy. The amount of drinking is huge. You can watch a country club members alcohol consumption increase steadily the longer they are in the club.

  • 2016-AT Speed Record Attempt

    Rasty - - AT Specific


    Quote from JimBlue: “Well. I had no problems reading it. Didn't take me very long either. I understood it just fine. I doubt any of you have a literacy problem. So if a guy had made identical claims, based on past posts in here, you guys would have accepted his claims. The alleged problem occurred because a woman made the claim. ” Evidence your wrong about us being sexist with record attempts Anish announces FKT attempt There is also support on this site for Jennifer Pharr Davis.