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  • So much drama no matter where you go

  • Quote from milkman: “Quote from TrainWreck: “Aw, it's a wittle WOO.” Would that be a WEE WOO or a WOO WEE?” Oui

  • Aw, it's a wittle WOO.

  • Site Angels

    TrainWreck - - General


    I missed the stories first go round. Will have to go peek at them tonight.

  • Site Angels

    TrainWreck - - General


    Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from TrainWreck: “Dehydrated beer!!!” No, but I am willing to send all the dehydrated water if someone can come up with the method and ingredients. What you are looking at are special edition Mountain Dew cans that I plan on making into stoves if I can perfect my new super top secret design.” Love the graphics! Save the hillbilly one for later when you've got the design down pat.

  • Site Angels

    TrainWreck - - General


    Quote from TrainWreck: “Quote from max.patch: “i don't know what a reindeer romance hat is so i went to google. yes, please put me on the list to get one of theses. you can keep the hat part.” That item is out of stock due to a silicon shortage.”

  • Site Angels

    TrainWreck - - General


    Dehydrated beer!!!

  • Site Angels

    TrainWreck - - General


    I wasn't sure how to word it exactly - that's where others can help

  • Site Angels

    TrainWreck - - General


    We've received a suggestion from Birdbrain about developing a thread where we can share and swap hiking-related items among themselves. Some of our members have been doing this already. I've heard reports of alcohol stoves, survival bracelets, reindeer romance hats, and other items being passed around the cyber campfire. What are your thoughts on this? Would you like to see a swap thread for members? What are your suggestions for setting guidelines (if any). Speak up! gif.014

  • Re:Re: Alcohol Stoves

    TrainWreck - - Cooking Gear


    I don't do cookies and pies, but I'll advance you a cow patty right now :lol: www.youtube.com/watch?v=oyHDMKoF_zI

  • Re:Re: Alcohol Stoves

    TrainWreck - - Cooking Gear


    I really like your idea of creating a Site Angel category. I'm going to put it up as a new discussion topic.

  • Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from grayblazer: “Quote from Rasty: “Has Bird Brain hit 2000 yet” Yeah, PacMan 1989.” I preferred Ms PacMan and I scored a lot more on her than that.” Gentlemen don't tell :blush:

  • Try this

    TrainWreck - - General


    It means your meds have worn off!

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    TrainWreck - - General


    Quote from LoboSolo: “beers on me at the Blue Blaze Cafe here in Damascus when you get here. that's if you guys drink beer” Photos, please!

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    TrainWreck - - General


    He's staying at the shelter 3 miles outside Hot Springs tonight and going to take a zero in town tomorrow.

  • appalachiantrailcafe.net/index…51ca7a05e9e655f5ec165adf6

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    TrainWreck - - Coffee Talk


    LOL Hikerboy's Cyber Cellblock Now he's finally going to have to give in about having walls

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    TrainWreck - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from max.patch: “rearranging the furniture in the cell to make room for LostAndFound. just in case.” You may need to knock out a partition or two while you're at it

  • The only mind map that Oz is likely to retain has all the pubs in Gorham highlighted in red.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    TrainWreck - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from milkman: “The Hubba tent for sale thread on WB got semi-heated. Gator closed it. used the sold post as an excuse but if you read it you'll know better.” I love our LIghtheart Duo. Wonder if she will be at trail days