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  • Quote from TrafficJam: “Quote from Rasty: “The parking lot on FS 42 near springer is a good place to leave cars that you don't want anymore. ” Seriously? ” Just make sure you know where all the vin numbers are on the car first.

  • Weekend hike

    Rasty - - Trip Planning


    Quote from Grinder: “I'm going stir crazy. I still don't want to have to fiddle with setting up a tent and such with the hand not up to 100% (cast is off but hand is weak and limited range of motion after 6 weeks immobilized), but I need to get out. I'm looking at the Pigeon Hill Loop Trail in Kennesaw. Today or tomorrow, leaning toward today depending on when I get off my ass and get moving...which is more and more making it look like tomorrow. ” Leave half the food at home this time

  • The parking lot on FS 42 near springer is a good place to leave cars that you don't want anymore.

  • Hockey Thread

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    All I'm saying is that it's a game that got bastardized into an excessively violent game. When 90% of the crowd is there to watch men fight why do we wonder when men fight.

  • Hockey Thread

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    I don't see why it's a problem? Hockey is essentially a game that celebrates and condones violent behavior on the ice. What did he do that wasn't a core part of hockey?

  • Fitbit under a class action lawsuit.

    Rasty - - Electronics


    Quote from odd man out: “The AT pushed me beyond my personal limits (I got real tired climbing Sinking Creek Mtn) and in some cases caused harm (I slipped on a wet rock, landed on my elbow, and got a boo boo). Who can I sue? ” It's America. Just pick someone out of the phone book to sue.

  • Leave No Trace ideas

    Rasty - - AT Specific


    Use gallon zip-lock bags. They can compress the garbage and push most of the air out. This makes carry trash easier.

  • What Are You Reading?

    Rasty - - Books


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from Rasty: “Quote from sheepdog: “Most hikes I take the Hobbit with me. It is the ultimate hiking story. ” I read Stephen Kings The Stand which is also a hiking story. ” Reading Stephen King books while hiking alone in the woods probably is not for everyone. ” Probably not. I have always liked horror when hiking.

  • Springer to Reliance

    Rasty - - Benton MacKaye Trail


    Quote from Astro: “Quote from Rasty: “Quote from TrafficJam: “Rasty, where did you park your car while you were hiking? ” Amicalola park visitor center. $5 for the whole time. ” For the perceived security that is probably a well invested $5. ” I would have left my car in Reliance with the same confidence that it would be ok. The parking along the BMT all looks secure.

  • What Are You Reading?

    Rasty - - Books


    Quote from sheepdog: “Most hikes I take the Hobbit with me. It is the ultimate hiking story. ” I read Stephen Kings The Stand which is also a hiking story.

  • Quote from Drybones: “Quote from Rasty: “Quote from Dan76: “Quote from Rasty: “Quote from Dan76: “Quote from Rasty: “I like to use the dead deer carcass as a extra water bag. When you go ultralight you need to use every item for at least two purposes. ” Let me guess the 2nd usage...jerky? ” Too risky to use tainted meat. The second use would be mukluks. ” I was kidding.Never skinned a deer well into the process of decomposition. Wonder if it's easier than a fresh kill, which isn't too difficult …

  • Springer to Reliance

    Rasty - - Benton MacKaye Trail


    Quote from TrafficJam: “Rasty, where did you park your car while you were hiking? ” Amicalola park visitor center. $5 for the whole time.

  • Quote from Dan76: “Quote from Rasty: “Quote from Dan76: “Quote from Rasty: “I like to use the dead deer carcass as a extra water bag. When you go ultralight you need to use every item for at least two purposes. ” Let me guess the 2nd usage...jerky? ” Too risky to use tainted meat. The second use would be mukluks. ” I was kidding. Never skinned a deer well into the process of decomposition. Wonder if it's easier than a fresh kill, which isn't too difficult with a sharp knife and the opportunity t…

  • Quote from Dan76: “Quote from Rasty: “I like to use the dead deer carcass as a extra water bag. When you go ultralight you need to use every item for at least two purposes. ” Let me guess the 2nd usage...jerky? ” Too risky to use tainted meat. The second use would be mukluks.

  • Trailplace 1997-2014 ???

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    I created an inactive user type and moved the inactive users into the inactive group. They can easily contact me to get placed back in the regular users if they become inactive-inactive.

  • Trailplace 1997-2014 ???

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from rhjanes: “Yeah, but note that it is an AND condition. "Post Count = 0 AND not logged on for a year" that doesn't "delete" the lurkers, as they still logon. And, I don't know how many users are on here. Mostly what I saw was stuff like...well....WB......25000 "users"....but if they'd run the query, it would be 11000!!!! ” I can prune those that have never posted and not logged in in the last 12 months. We would cut about 60% of the "users".

  • Trailplace 1997-2014 ???

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from rhjanes: “On forums I used to Admin, I would run a built in "prune" statement. "If Posts count = 0 and last active older than 365 days................delete". Get rid of all those who sign up and forget they did after they sleep. I took over admin at one forum, ran the query and over half the "people" vanished. Most of the Forum software, has such built in statements. Just takes running it. ” We have it here also. We have a few lurkers that login but don't post so I've held off.

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from IMScotty: “Quote from Dmax: “I've been spending a lot of time kayaking lately. I've got a few paddling trips planned already for this spring. I'm even thinking of heading down to the Houston area in a week or two. Warm weather and tight lines. ” Bought my wife a flat water Kayak last fall, she seems to enjoy it more than a canoe. Now I need to get a second one so we can go paddling together. I enjoy easy paddles to see the wildlife. Quote from Rasty: “Surf Kayaking ” That looks like f…

  • Other Hobbies and Interests

    Rasty - - Coffee Talk


    Surf Kayaking Woodworking Drinking (Beer & Wine1) 1. Scuppernog and muscadine are excluded

  • I like to use the dead deer carcass as a extra water bag. When you go ultralight you need to use every item for at least two purposes.