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  • Water Treatment

    OzJacko - - General


    The text of a bible is sacred to a Christian, the text of the koran is to a Muslim. The actual book is like you say just paper and ink. If you can use a one as tp you should be able to use both. If you have a feeling of impiety using one then you are insulting the other by discriminating. I have no feeling of impiety with any hence my readiness to use either. I haven't mentioned the Torah as much of it is the Old Testament anyway. All 3 religions are so similar as to not really be separated in m…

  • Katahdin Blues

    OzJacko - - General


    But what I am querying is the details of the original title. As land worthless for a mill they may have got a reduction in price by not including Katahdin or having a disclaimer on the use of it. Any restriction on their title would have transferred to Baxter and perhaps (I'm hoping and clutching at straws I know) the area of Katahdin itself was not truly Baxter's to give....

  • Katahdin Blues

    OzJacko - - General


    Here's one for those of you who like to research. My searching shows Baxter bought 6000 acres "around" Katahdin from Great Northern Paper Mills in 1930. Looking at the Mills history I cannot see detail of how they got the land originally. Katahdin has no commercial value to a paper mill. Was there any limitation to their original title to Katahdin? This could have been a limitation on what they had a right to sell Baxter. Don't forget that with his political position such issues could have been …

  • Water Treatment

    OzJacko - - General


    And yes if I was out of tp I would not hesitate to use a bible or a koran.

  • Water Treatment

    OzJacko - - General


    The only way I could have foreseen the bible figuring in a privy thread would have been as a substitute for tp...

  • Katahdin Blues

    OzJacko - - General


    I still say that Avery Peak has an emotional "good vibe" for a terminus. Avery made the trail. Mackaye just dreamed it.

  • Katahdin Blues

    OzJacko - - General


    I have a fridge magnet that says that.

  • Katahdin Blues

    OzJacko - - General


    I found Katahdin to be special but part of that was that standing on Springer Katahdin was the goal. It is my hope that in the next few years I will climb Katahdin again with my wife. But if they were to turn around and say that from 1 January 2017 the AT terminus is say, Whitecap Mtn then people at Springer in March will have Whitecap as their goal. Many initially will say they will hike on to Katahdin but within a short time the vast majority will focus on Whitecap. I think the finish has to s…

  • Number 29 is the biggy for me. It's especially valid for those that follow the Great Vague Blaze....

  • the baxter debate continues

    OzJacko - - Appalachian Trail


    Was he the only one drinking? Did he or someone else actually bring the champagne up? To only issue him with violations shows it was a media decision on their part. If he wins in court it will backfire big time on them.

  • the baxter debate continues

    OzJacko - - Appalachian Trail


    Yeah but those people missed out on the sunrise... Bit like me night hiking up McAfees Knob. Cloud can be a bummer.

  • Dreams: A Year of Alpine Adventure

    OzJacko - - General


    Frostbite. Not on the list of hazards I encounter around here....

  • life lessons ruined by technology

    OzJacko - - General


    Those of us that grew up in the 60's and 70's are obviously too prehistoric to even think about....

  • the baxter debate continues

    OzJacko - - Appalachian Trail


    Hey if they cut out the 100 mile wilderness, I will have a lot less to do to claim 2000 miler!

  • Try something new

    OzJacko - - General


    The neighbors over the road have what is basically a petting zoo. I have 3 alpacas, 21 sheep and 29 lambs in my front paddock that belong to them. I also have about 5 acres of forest that I am trail making in.

  • Privy v. Cat hole

    OzJacko - - General


    I reckon that our bull ants are a match for your spiders and then our spiders are the next level.

  • Try something new

    OzJacko - - General


    I'm learning to look after 13 extra acres over the quarter that I'm used to. Loving it.

  • welcome to the cafe

    OzJacko - - Coffee Talk


    Did you get that pic from the old cafe at TOS?

  • the baxter debate continues

    OzJacko - - Appalachian Trail


    Quote from Rasty: “Every time Bissell opens his mouth he looks worse. He's going to loose in court because his rangers gave permission for the alcohol. Losing is court is going to be an embarrassment for him. His embarrassment is going to escalate the situation. He will either kick the AT out or go down in flames trying. ” I agree that losing in court will be a major problem for him. If they can't get a conviction every "entitled" hiker will think they have a precedent.

  • Secret To A Happy Marriage

    OzJacko - - Hiking Humor


    Quote from jimmyjam: “The secret is apparently ear plugs. ” My dad had hearing aids late in life. There was all hell to pay one dsy when they drove Albany to Perth (250 miles) and at the end of the trip she realized that he had turned the one on her side off. He had just nodded and said yes dear all the way. They still managed over 55 years of marriage.