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  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from TrainWreck: “Quote from Trillium: “ What products do they sell at the market?” His wife Annie makes these beautiful dichroic glass jewelry. She's on this forum but hasn't posted much so far.” Dragonfly Annie, do you have a website with your jewelry?

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from milkman: “Quote from OzJacko: “I was in my pool half an hour ago. 9 am.” Just went and got the mail. Swiped my hand through the heated pool and am seriously considering a night swim. 77º air temp and pool is about 82º - 84º. The pool I swim in is not that warm, you'd sweat to death. It's at the county park. 25 x 50 meters, 22 lanes. Never more than 8 of us there at a time. It's great.” Yes, definitely too hot to swim laps much less for serious swimming. It might be too hot for a vigor…

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from OzJacko: “Just did a market stall with Annie in a town 250 miles away. Drove to farm Friday night (220 mile), then yesterday rest of the way. Did the market and then all the way back last night. Just after 9 here and already over 30C with forecast for today now 41C. I am a bit tired.” What products do they sell at the market?

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Quote from rocksNsocks: “Elf, your Avatar reminds me of Johnny Deep. :lol:” It should, it's a dog playing Johnny Depp, playing Hunter S. Thompson, playing with mescaline.” I see the resemblance. :lol:

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from milkman: “ I'm just a SASHer right now but I building up to that Long part.” Hey, me too! :cheer:

  • Maine SoBo trip report

    Trillium - - Trip Report


    Quote from BirdBrain: “Quote from TrainWreck: “Video clips will still upload” Sorry. Don't have any. This is all Coach's fault. He demanded I put up pictures. Perhaps I have overloaded the system.” Well I'm very glad and appreciative that you have posted pictures of your trip. They really speak to my soul, as well as reducing some of the stress I am feeling from trying to get Rose Bowl tickets.

  • the football thread

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Trillium: “ Additionally the Big Ten Network is showing the Spartan Dawgs humbling tO$U for the umpteenth time this week. I LOVE it! 49.gif” hard for me to pick out a favorite play from this game but I truly LOVE the NO FLY ZONE. 'Queeze is such an awesomely talented young guy. aka #1 DB in the Nation!!! he's a humble kid outta southern GA but boy can he play some Defense. Jim Thorpe Award winner, presented annually to the nation’s top defensive back.

  • Weekender, but not so clueless

    Trillium - - General


    Quote from DeerHunter: “ :)” Cute avatar DH. But he looks more like a tree hugged than a deer hunter.

  • the football thread

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Trillium: “Actually it turns out there is college football today. Right now as a matter of fact. Checked the 4 letter network. The NCAA FCS quarterfinal is on between Coastal Carolina and the #1 FCS team in the nation for the last 2 yrs, NDSU. Or for those whose daughter didn't work there for 2 yrs recently, North Dakota State University.” Additionally the Big Ten Network is showing the Spartan Dawgs humbling tO$U for the umpteenth time this week. I LOVE it! 49.gif

  • the football thread

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Actually it turns out there is college football today. Right now as a matter of fact. Checked the 4 letter network. The NCAA FCS quarterfinal is on between Coastal Carolina and the #1 FCS team in the nation for the last 2 yrs, NDSU. Or for those whose daughter didn't work there for 2 yrs recently, North Dakota State University.

  • the football thread

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from milkman: “No college ball today. Tis a sad day in this regard.” But even better there's college basketball. 49.gif

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from hikerboy: “got a package from australia yesterday.opened it to find an offical lasher hat and shirt. thanks, oz!!! i will never forget the time we spent together both off and on the trail this past year. you're a good man. merry xmas to you, daniel, annie, and the rest of the tribe.” Step 1: put on shirt & cap Step 2: take selfie Step 3: post on Cafe for womenfolk to ogle and men to admire.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from MDSectioner: “Gearing up for a week solo in PA. First time on the AT in PA, very excited... Wait, can we talk about hiking in here?” Cool. When are you thinking about going? ( apologies if already answered later in the thread; this is as far as I've gotten). What section are you going to do?

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from hikerboy: “as a concession to the ladies and those whove never read a bestselling novel or never watched cable tv, im gonna try to keep it clean.the pc rants thread is open game though, so be forewarned. its now been retitled to reflect its "r" rating” Thank You VERY much HB. You are a gentleman and a scholar. :cheer:

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from milkman: “Where's GB” Gator Bill is in the Nashville area. He played drums at UF until they told him to pack his sh... er stuff and get out. Then he attended MSU. Great guy but major horndog.

  • Quote from max.patch: “Quote from rocksNsocks: “So I stayed up way to late, and got up way to early, watched three episodes of North Woods, but none were the show mentioned...I'm thinking I can catch it next time the show airs, and should I, I'll post it's start time here...that's a real good show, I'm hooked.” looks like next thursday 12/19 at 8pm. that was the first time for me and i'm gonna watch north woods law again.” Me, too. I watched 3 different episodes last night and enjoyed them. Watc…

  • Maine SoBo trip report

    Trillium - - Trip Report


    Thank you BB! I continue to enjoy your posts reporting on your trip and the accompanying pics. 49.gif

  • I watched and came away very impressed with the professionalism and thoroughness of the Maine Game Wardens and SAR and everyone involved in the search. They definitely knew what they were doing. So a great big THANK YOU to all the Maine professionals who do and did such outstanding work in carrying out their duties, as well as in the search for Gerry. My heart goes out to her family.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from AnotherKevin: “Quote from LoboSolo: “LCD?” Those Denominator sisters are up to no good. Lois and Carmen both.” You're not so clueless after all.

  • welcome to hikerboy's cyber cafe

    Trillium - - Coffee Talk


    Don't be so hard on yourself HM. I don't think it's a matter of being a fuddy-duddy at all. I think it has to do with manners and recognizing the environment that you are in. Certain language is acceptable in lockerrooms which is not acceptable in other locations such as when conversing with your child's teacher. Rule #3 makes me wonder if LCD is what the cafe is going to evolve into.