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  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from WanderingStovie: “I had an ECG this morning. After lying down for five minutes, my resting heart rate was 53 beats per minute. That was too slow. I was told I was too relaxed. I had to wiggle my fingers and toes to get my heart rate above 55. I managed to get my heart rate up to 56. Can anyone here relate to this?” My husband was having one of those done in conjunction with a flight physical just a few months ago. His resting heart rate wouldn't even make it up to 50 with wiggling the…

  • Winter Boots

    Ewok11 - - Footwear


    I searched the various threads and didn't see exactly what I was looking for, so hopefully I didn't miss something. I'm looking for recommendations for good, winter/snow rated hiking boots suitable for moderate to extreme winter conditions. My husband is set on getting full on mountaineering boots. I see the advantages and benefits of those but I just think they're going to be overkill for less strenuous trails. Am I wrong?

  • Watchya doing for Christmas?

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    The past month has been such a whirlwind that we haven't actually planned anything yet. I suppose we'll do some kind of small meal here, just the two of us or maybe invite some of the young, single, guys over if they aren't making the journey to wherever home is for them.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from SarcasmTheElf: “Wow Ewok, 5,000 miles in one shot?! Did you have to get the Uhaul's oil changed part way through the drive? ;)” No, but we did have to have it checked out somewhere in Missouri (Columbia, I think) because the oil light came on the day after the radiator overheating light came on. Added coolant twice during the trip and the guy in Missouri basically did a combination with the key and something to make the light go away and told us it was nothing to worry about. Sure guy…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    I have this suspicion that now that the snow has started, it probably won't stop until sometime in May or June.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    What a trip!! We made the move from NC to AK a few weeks ago. Overall, it went really smoothly. I had heard horror stories about the ALCAN but we didn't have any problems. I'm not in any hurry to hop back in a 26' Uhaul with my husband and dog and drive another roughly 5,000 miles but overall it was a decent trip. Anchorage has lived up to the expectations and anticipation so far. The only thing missing was the snow. I was actually ok with that, it was just taking my mind some time to adjust to …

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from hikerboy: “anchorage sounds awesome!! have you picked out an igloo yet?” Not yet but my husband LOVES just LOVES (sarcastic emphasis) my dog and said he was going to build him an Igloo in the backyard, so he could live out there. Hopefully, I will have some awesome road trip pictures to share when I get all the way across and back in the land of internet and cell service.

  • Dislike Button

    Ewok11 - - Site Information


    LOL! I love the way topics always get so scattered. For the record, I always log in on a PC and I still don't have a like button today. Apparently, I'm supposed to just be doom and gloom.

  • Dislike Button

    Ewok11 - - Site Information


    I've been absent or a bit, so maybe it's supposed to be this way now but I no longer have a like button. I can dislike but not like. Bunch of pessimists here, I tell ya. What if I want to like something, huh??? For real though, should I still have a like button/option/thing?

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Astro: “Ewok, I know my parents had fond memories of when my dad was stationed over there, but that was nearly 60 years ago. While moving is always a hassle, just try to focus on the adventure and all the beautiful scenery and wildlife you will get to enjoy. :)” I've only had a little over 24 hours to process that we're moving (again), so I still haven't settled on one particular emotion. I've always wanted to visit Alaska, so I guess there's no excuse not to enjoy it when it's not be…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Hi everyone!!! I've been MIA from here for so long that I'm not sure when I last posted. My life just got crazy hectic over the summer and shows no signs of slowing down any old time soon. Mother Army has decided to send us on not just another cross country move but a cross continent move this time. So, anyone got any opinions about the Anchorage area? I'll be making my way from NC all the way across to AK sometime in the next couple weeks. If I don't kill my husband and/or dog in the process; I…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    I had a 90 Wrangler for a few years. It would have been better if it hadn't had a crappy 4-cylinder. I needed something with better gas mileage due to my commute at the time, so I reluctantly sold it to a friend. He totaled it a few months later. I almost cried. I have a forester now but it's not one of the new ones. It's a 99 that rolled over to 319,000 miles yesterday and still going strong. It's got some minor wear and tear but it has held up to years of abuse. It works great for hauling arou…

  • where is dakota joes thread today?

    Ewok11 - - General


    Congratulations DJ!!

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    I agree completely about the typical gym crowd, which is why I don't go to a typical gym. Usually, the only other female people in my gym are the crazy/scary Crossfit women who look like they're on steroids or the occasional ones who come in on really nice days to run a marathon on the treadmill then leave. The rest of the gym is filled with guys who wouldn't notice I was there unless I got between them and the mirror. My genetics lean toward short and round. I can't change the short but I do my…

  • Hiking & Biking

    Ewok11 - - General


    Soccer is in all honesty not the most invigorating sport to watch. I just have an extreme appreciation for the stamina, flexibility and athleticism of it all. I could do without the unnecessary diving, bad acting and whining. Those few seconds out of the 90 minutes of boring make it exciting. I wanted to play football when I was in elementary school and my parents (possibly rightfully so) wouldn't let me because I was a girl and they were afraid of the damage the full contact might do long term.…

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    I can honestly say if I had to pay for a gym membership, my willingness to go would probably be non-existent. However, since Ft. Bragg has like a million gyms and several lap pools, all of which I can use for free, I do. My husband swims like a fish, he just needs gills. I swim like something far less elegant, so really I guess it's more like I don't drown while moving my arms and legs about in the water in a vaguely swimming like motion. I have free weights at home but I don't have anywhere to …

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Random. I went to the gym yesterday. My back hurts. Does anyone else patron a gym? Yeah, that's really all I've got.

  • Hiking & Biking

    Ewok11 - - General


    I have watched portions of Le Tour de France before but I don't usually. LOL! Such animosity for the futbol. I'm really enjoying the World Cup so far.

  • welcome to the cafe

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Quote from Rasty: “Quote from Ewok11: “Quote from Rasty: “Went on a nice 9 mile hike today at Raven Rock State Park here in North Carolina. I post some pictures later.” Which trails/paths did you do? I'm going to assume the loop plus something if you got in nine miles. I used to go there at least twice a month but haven't gotten back by there in a while. One of the last times I was there, there was still snow on the ground and then the next time the creek was up almost over the loop from the sno…

  • Whiskey Thread

    Ewok11 - - Coffee Talk


    Right now there is a MaCallan 10 in my pantry and usually there is a bottle of Jack for mixed drinks. Oddly, I was watching something on the Esquire channel earlier. I can't remember the name of the show but it's about these two guys who go around to the "best bars" in America. They were in Portland and went to a place called The Whiskey Library. Anyone ever been there?