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  • Neels Gap Area

    Heather854 - - Trip Planning


    My husband and I are wanting to do a few nights hiking to Neels Gap from Springer Mountain. Afterwards, we would like to finish the week out somewhere. We thought about getting a cabin. Does anyone have any suggestions? We wouldn't care to travel up to about 50 miles or so from Beels Gap if it is worth it.

  • Newbies in Georiga in May

    Heather854 - - Trip Planning


    Any weather tips too? From what I see Georgia in May is lows in the 50's and highs in 80's. Does this sound accurate for the trail as well? iO

  • Newbies in Georiga in May

    Heather854 - - Trip Planning


    I really appreciate all the info! We're excited to do some locals hikes with a pack. I'm hoping that will give us a better idea of what we will be doing. I like the idea of catching a second shuttle aand hiking back towards Neels Gap. [tt][tt][/tt

  • Newbies in Georiga in May

    Heather854 - - Trip Planning


    Thanks for all the info! We live in Kentucky and have done some day hiking in the smokies., red river gorge and parts of Ohio. We've done primitive sc campground camping, but have never done an overnight HHike So all the info is appreciated. We were initially hoping to make it to the Unicoi Gap, but being able to catch a shuttle from nNeels gap does sound nice. What size packs should we be looking for? We would be going as a couple and hoping we can cut down our packs by sharing things like uten…

  • Newbies in Georiga in May

    Heather854 - - Trip Planning


    My husband and I are wanting to do a segment in May starting at the beginning. We are looking at doing a 5-7 day hike. We are complete newbies and looking for any advice. We are planning on doing some local overnight hikes to try and prep for it in late winter early spring, but have a ton of questions! 1) where would be a good.pick up point? 2)are there designated spots. For camping? 3) what must have equipment do we need? And... 4) what about bears??? loom