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  • Baseball Thread

    hikerboy - - Coffee Talk


    I'll give you 10 to 1 they won't do anything about it.

  • She's got a nice crease in her forehead.appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/16624/

  • Quote from rhjanes: “I have her on FB and also Instagram. She did an unsupported hike on the Arizona trail and finished 5/24/2024. She overcame a lot of obstacles, as she does. Including falling and cutting her head open. It doesn't show up on the FKT website, but Unsupported, Mexico to Utah, 24 days 1 hour and 12 minutes. If that is accurate, it looks like she knocked some 4 days off the unsupported record. ” I saw her at Trail Days, and she gave me the complete lowdown. An incredible effort. S…


    hikerboy - - AT Specific


    There is no way the average thru hiker hikes 17 miles a day.

  • Hiking plan for 2024

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Quote from odd man out: “Quote from hikerboy: “Have them shuttle you to Jo-Mary Rd. ” there are two trailheads in that area. I don't recall the name of the other but it's a little further south. That is also a possibility. I was trying to decide how many miles per day to plan on for that section. I have 5 days to get to KSC. On paper, that section looks easy (i.e. not much elevation change). ” The other one is Katahdin Iron Works rd at Gulf Hagas. From Jo-Mary rd would give you plenty of time to…

  • Hiking plan for 2024

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Quote from odd man out: “I have finalized plans for an August hike in ME. Unfortunately I had to cut back to a one week trip which will not be enough to do the whole HMW. So I will fly to BGR, shuttle to Shaws for the night, after the famous breakfast I will have them shuttle me to a trail head about half way to BSP, probably Johnston Rd? Hike 5 days to katahdin Stream CG (got a shelter reservation.) Up the AT to Baxter Peak, down Abol Trail, shuttle to Millinocket for the night. Shuttle to Medw…

  • Quote from max.patch: “As a practical matter, I don't know what changes, if any, will happen if the BMT become a National Scenic Trail but 2 senators and 2 represenatives have proposed legislation to start the ball rolling with a feasibility study. capitol-beat.org/2024/05/georg…P4M46Md961bJ0b8yqBeIgn46A ” What changes is the chance to have a thru hiker permit for the Smokies. Right now, you have to reserve each campsite for each night. AT thru hikers don't need to. It would also open up possibl…

  • The Baxter Area - Maine

    hikerboy - - AT Specific


    Try to get reservations for chimney pond campsite. It's a beautiful setting with some good options.

  • BMT>AT>Cohos Trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Apparently a horse died and the Enloe Creek Trail is currently closed, which means my BMT segment is now over. I'm currently in Cherokee figuring out the next move. I may hop up to Hot Springs.

  • BMT>AT>Cohos Trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Quote from max.patch: “I thot ahead...when I was dating my soon to be wife I told her that at some point in the future -- and I had no idea when -- I was going hike the entire AT. So when the time was right...what could she say? ” she COULD say, "No, you're not."

  • BMT>AT>Cohos Trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Just to give you an update, retirement has changed my whole way of thinking, and the original plan is out the window. I've skipped roughly 100 miles of the BMT and I'm currently in Bryson City, NC to dry out a bit. Pending the weather forecast, I should be heading up to Smokemont Campground to finish the last leg of the Smokies. I've been blue blazing and yellow blazing, to visit friends and skip a few sections I really didn't want to do for a 4th time. I've taken woods roads where it would meet…

  • Rock and Roll

    hikerboy - - Mountain Mike's Jukebox


    Dickey was one of my guitar heroes as a kid. I would wear out the ABB albums learning every single one of his solos on my guitar, note for note. And while I was able to copy them, he was the one who dreamed them up.

  • Scotts' PCT Section Hike

    hikerboy - - Pacific Crest Trail


    It's pretty and everything but there doesn't seem like there's much to do.

  • SNP Fire and the AT

    hikerboy - - AT Specific


    There's no longer any alerts on the ATC trail updates page. The fire alert was taken down a week or so ago. I expect there's little or no impact to the AT.

  • BMT>AT>Cohos Trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Quote from max.patch: “It's been 85 degrees here for 3 days in a row. I notice it. The dog notices it. The older I get the more the heat bothers me. ” When I was younger, and vacation was always in the summer, it was one thing. But now that I'm older and can pick the seasons I want to hike, the heat just beats me up.I much prefer the shoulder seasons to do my hiking.

  • BMT>AT>Cohos Trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    It's actually a good time to do the desert part.

  • BMT>AT>Cohos Trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    If its this hot now, i hope its not significantly hotter tahn. There are some 6 and 8 mile stretches between water sources. Going up and down those hills aren't fun in the heat. But some sections, like today can be rewarding.

  • BMT>AT>Cohos Trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    I also remember why I hate hiking in the summer. It's too hot. For mid-April it's more like June! Hi 80s tomorrow and Thursday, with some rain and possible tstorms Wednesday. I'll wait until the heat breaks on Friday. I'll post more pics when I get wifi. appalachiantrailcafe.net/index.php/Attachment/16547/

  • BMT>AT>Cohos Trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    I'm in Reliance TN at Reliance Fly & Tackle, where I've stayed every BMT hike. Great people with tentsites right by a stream. Today was hot, but the stretch from Thunder Rock to Reliance is one of the nicest on the trail, and I enjoyed walking by the stream. I've taken a few blue blazes and skipped some miles, but I really don't care. Just having fun and exploring new territory.

  • BMT>AT>Cohos Trail

    hikerboy - - Trip Planning


    Quote from max.patch: “You'll enjoy that room. I've done it once. Years ago my wife had a conference to attend in DC so we took Amtrak for the experience and got the room. Really nice and you get a much much better sleep than in the seats in coach. But the price -- ouch! You got a steal of a deal at an additional $160. Have a great hike. ” I never expected them to accept the bid, so,yeah, that was a great surprise. Some pre-trail trail magic, I suppose.