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Articles by jimmyjam 2

  • This is a simple project for beginners. You will need a piece of silnylon or cuben, some small cord, a small toggle, and a small safety pin. Directions are the same, in this example I am using some .51 cuben. Like most sewing projects you will make this inside out.

    Step 1
    Decide what size sack you want to make. Then add 2" to the height(add 2-1/2 for silnylon) and double the width and add 1/2" for cuben and 1" for silnylon. Cut out the material with a hot knife if you have one to minimize unraveling.

    Step 2
    Make the draw cord tunnel. Fold the two corners of the top inward 1-1/2" to make two triangles. Sew down the vertical edge. Then fold the top edge down 1/4". Then fold down again until the top is even with the bottom of the stitched triangles. Now stitch all the way across thru the 1/4" fold.

    Step 3
    Fold the two side together and sew 1/4" inside for cuben and about an 1" for silnylon. Next flatten the bag out and for cuben sew another row of stitching next to the first. For sil… [Read More]
  • Things you will need: (1) piece of silnylon between 24" and 30" square. 25" of 7/8" or wider grossgrain, 19" of 5/8" grossgrain, scissors, sewing machine, and 100% polyester thread- I like Gutterman.

    Step 1:
    Mark an "X" in the center of your material Next measure out and mark points equidistant from your center point. I like around 27" for a diameter, so I have marked points out at 13-1/2" all the way around. Fill in between the dots until you have a circle. Cut around the circle with scissors or a hot knife.

    Step 2
    Mark 1/8, 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 7/8, 1 points around the circle. Mark off 1" on the wider piece (7/8") of webbing- this is how much the webbing will overlap itself. Then mark off the webbing into 1/8's like you did the circle.

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