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Articles by BirdBrain 2

  • A BirdBrain Maine AT Adventure
    Part 2

    July 23 -

    We woke early. After boiling water for oatmeal and packing our gear, we saw movement down by and around the lean-to. Soon we were on the trail and the others were breaking camp. The rain started before they could even head into camp for a huge breakfast. I pulled the out the sleeves of my Packa and zipped up for whatever was to come. My partner was more optimistic. He left his Llbean rain jacket in his pack.

    A review of the Packa is now in order. This rain system doubles as a pack cover. I used it as one only when there was a threat of rain (which was not often). If it does start to rain, adorning it as a rain suit is as easy as pulling out sleeves, hood, and tail and zipping up. It is not that easy the first time you try it. However, with a bit of practice and arranging it properly, the system is fairly easy.

    I have heard so many people say all rain suits trap moisture. I could not disagree more. All other rain suits are wedged… [Read More]
  • A BirdBrain Maine AT Adventure

    The prequel -

    One night, late in the summer of 2012, I sat scanning Netflix for something interesting to watch. In my search, I came across a show called “National Geographic: The Appalachian Trail”. My evening’s entertainment was set. I did not know it at the time, but my next summer’s plans were being chosen too. As I watched the documentary, a desire burned within me. If only there was a way to do this. If only I knew someone else that wanted to do this.

    Several days passed. I forgot about the dream of hiking the AT and got on with life. One day my brother-in-law and sister came over to visit. He commenced to describe a show he had recently watched on Netflix about the Appalachian Trail. All of a sudden we were finishing each other’s sentences about our desire to walk this trail. Within minutes it was decided. We were going to walk the Maine section of the AT next summer.

    As an afterthought, we looked at our wives. They were speechless and so were… [Read More]